Anna’s Day at LEDC SLP, Week 1!

Our newest full-time employee, Anna Britt, is participating in the Lakeland Economic Development Summer Leadership Program, which began in 2008 to connect interns and new hires in the Lakeland community to each other and to deepen their understanding of Lakeland. Since the SLP’s inception, Lakeland has continued to boom with new business and life opportunities. The program promotes a spirit of philanthropy to participants, as giving back allows communities to thrive.

This first week, Anna participated in ice breaker activities where she got to know the people who she will be spending the next 5 Wednesdays with. She also got to hear 4 speakers throughout the day, Lakeland Locals Jennifer Canady, Tim Rice, Chris Hammond, and Mayor Bill Mutz! Anna enjoyed listening to Tim Rice and Mayor Mutz’s common themes of growing where you are planted and building deep roots within your community, all while presenting yourself as the best version of yourself.

Overall, it was a full, exciting day of getting to know her peers and more about her new home and Anna is excited to continue spending time at SLP! She is very thankful to be able to participate and be given this opportunity.


Anna’s Day at LEDC SLP, Week 2!


Welcome Anna Britt to Furr, Wegman, and Banks!